Tuesday 31 July 2012

Am I OK?

Okay so i'm back. Hmmmm where to begin? Oh yes... i think i'm crazy.
 I have this image in my head that somehow or rather, my boyfriend's gonna BREAK UP  with me for no apparent reason. I do not know why. Weird.

But HONESTLY, i really am scared. I'm so afraid, so lost, so caught up that if he ever did break up with ME, i won't be ABLE to LIVE with myself. Sometimes i wonder if i'm OVER protective. But i don't mind that he talks to other girls, that he flirts, that he doesn't ACCOMPANY me to the bus stop. I don't mind all that. What i mind, is me MISSING him too much. Its like, i CAN'T be apart from HIM.

He's might not be the one but for now i think he is. I really REALLY don't want him to GO. It'll be sad. Call me crazy but that's the truth. He picks his MAPLE game over me, he doesn't accompany me home, he has not gotten me anything... yet, we DON't meet up during our break time or anything but somehow, I just FEEL so HAPPY with him around. Sure, he's not my perfect boyfriend but his my FAVOURITE boyfriend. And even now, i MISS him. He just gives me this SECURITY that i never get from my other boyfriends. And sometimes, he just has these MOMENTS that are damn EPIC that makes me like him even more.... He's just great. Really great. My kind of HAPPINESS.

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