Tuesday 4 September 2012

As you can SEE from the title, this post will be about my Boyfriend!! Eeeeppp!!! He's not EVERYTHING i wan him to be but come on, NOONE is perfect. He's fine. He's a good guy, sometimes he goes abit overboard but he's caring, understanding and he's just AWESOME. For now at least...

He and my other FRIENDS visited me when i was sick, i had FEVER... poor me:(  CHEY! self praise much? haha!! Ok, haha... he got me a FLOWER! a FAKE one. its pink!! YAY! HE also got me a red rose, a real one on Teacher's Day. I saw Danial on Teacher's Day... He looked at me... but didn't say anything... sad. I'm really THANKFUL to those who came to see me when i was sick. Thanks Guys!! Ya'll made me ALOT BETTER!!

Me and my Boyfriend did many things and had many MOMENTS during these 5 weeks. We bought COUPLE rings for our ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY. Black stainless steel rings. We got it from couple lab at tampines one. We have yet to ENGRAVE it. He also bought me a Skirt!! Cool or what? He's different from MOST of the guys i dated. So, he's a KEEPER!! <3

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